23-24 ноября 2016 г. в Киеве прошел семинар «СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО 2016/2017», организованный Деловым Клубом «Управления Знаниями» по теме: "СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО! Законодательное и нормативное обеспечение. Новые процедуры и правила 2016! Новая разрешительная документация от А до Я"
На семинаре присутствовало много строительных организаций Украины, и конечно не обошлось и без сотрудников Проектной организации «Da Vinchi Group». Были освещены наиболее актуальные вопросы, законодательное и нормативное обеспечение строительной деятельности. Практические вопросы по определению стоимости строительства, договорные отношения, земля в строительстве. Новая система контроля и надзора за строительством (ГАСИ). НОВЫЕ законодательные инициативы ГАСИ Украины.
Мы получили много полезной информации, регулярно отслеживаем и всегда в курсе всех нововведений и изменений в строительной отрасли.
Another wonderful year together! On December 12, our company celebrated its birthday. We are 6 years old – this is not a lot, and not a little. However, we can definitely say that we have grown as professionals and our creative approach to the creation of architecture has become creative and bright. This year, of […]
Читать далееThe award has been running for 27 years and covers over 45 different categories of residential and commercial real estate. Regional events are held for Arabia, Europe, Africa, Canada, Central and South America, the United Kingdom and the Asia-Pacific region. The International Real Estate Competition European Property Awards is judged by an independent panel of […]
Читать далееFor the eighth year in a row, the Confederation of Builders of Ukraine is holding the prestigious all-Ukrainian construction award IBuild. This year it was held on December 10 at the Hilton Hotel. The best of the best were awarded at the ceremony and we got on this list. This year we have the “Premiere […]
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Читать далееFinally got our pens to write about how we celebrated the fifth anniversary of the company…. Of course, it had to happen on a large scale, in the richest country in the world, which affects their rapid development and incredible buildings. I’m sure many have thought about UAE, but no, we’ve been before. This time […]
Читать далееOur incredibly cool corporate event in the Carpathians ended, which was timed to the day of the builder! Almost the entire team went to meet mountain landscapes, fresh air and extreme sports. Two days passed very quickly and actively, as they say: “After such a busy weekend, we need another weekend.” We managed to conquer […]
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